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Wagon program


The elements of this menu represent the composition of the wagons for the components load and the mixture unload.

It is possible to insert only one wagon for each card.

From the relevant menu [9] it is possible to select the wagons to visualize among those previously created and in the table [13] it is visualized the list of selected recipes with relevant customers.

For each wagon there are following data:

Name [9]: the name you wish to give to the wagon (maximum 20 alphanumerical characters). It must be univocal, in fact they cannot exist two wagons with the same name

Card number [10]: the number of the card which the wagon is referring to. It starts from 1 till the number of cards to manage as already established in the program Options.

% Variation of wagon [11]: variation (positive or negative) calculated on the quantities to load

Notes [12]: remarks and notes concerning the wagon

Recipes [13]: list of the recipes that are composing the wagon and relevant customer

Unloading groups [14]: duly distinct per recipe, they represent the groups which the rations will be given to.

Furthermore, for each group there are following data:

Number: it is automatically set and represents the growing number of the group

Group: by selecting it from the menu, which appears when clicking on the relevant column of the table, it is possible to set the group to utilize

Animals: it represents the number of animals composing the group (modifiable only in the menu Groups).

Variation: % variation related to the group (modifiable only in the menu Groups).

% for Alarm start: percentage on the weight to unload utilized for the mixer wagon’s alarm

% Percentage of alarm: percentage for the valuation of the margin of error in the mixture’s unload. If said error overcomes this percentage it will be evidently indicated in the report of the loading/unloading operations.

For each recipe the are also visualized some totals [15]:

Animals q.ty: sum of animals programmed in the selected groups for the recipe presently evidenced

Recipe total: in Kilos, ration per animal set in the selected recipe (with variation per cent of the recipe)

Total loaded: in Kilos, result coming from the animal rations and the animals. It represents the quantity of the components to load (without variation per cent of the wagon)

Total loaded with variation (kg.): result coming from the animal rations and the animals. It represents the quantity of the components to load (with variation per cent of the wagon)


If you wish to visualize a detailed report about the selected wagon press “Report” [7].

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