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Personal customers data


In this menu it is possible to create a personal customers’ register to utilize when creating the wagons.

In the left table [8] it is visualized the list of the inserted customers, whereas in the right side it is shown the full detail related to selected customer.

For each customer they are mentioned following data:

Company name [10]: Customer’s Company Name (max. 40 alphanumeric characters)

Address [11]: customer’s address

Zip Code [12]: Postal Code Number

Municipality [13]: name of Town where customer is operating

District [13]: name of County where customer is operating

Country [15]: Nation where customer is located

Telephone [16]: customer’s phone number

Fax [17]: customer’s fax number

E-mail [18]: customer’s e-mail address

VAT [19]: customer’s VAT

Notes [20]: remarks and notes regarding the customer


If you wish to visualize a report concerning the inserted customers press “Print” [6].

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