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Backup manager

The Backup Manager is an utility for the data managing of the Super Data Mix 5.

It is possible to use it when saving, filing, deleting, adding, restoring and selecting the data source which are utilized inside Super Data Mix 5.

To enter in the BACKUP MANAGER, firstly, it is necessary to open the program “BACKUP MANAGER.EXE” that you can find in the Directory :

C:\Programmi\PTM\Super Data Mix 5\BACKUP MANAGER.EXE

Backup Manager – Main Menu


In this menu it is possible to manage all the operations connected with the archives of the Super Data Mix5 and they are regarding following matters:

1) Naming of the record/archive presently in use in the Super Data Mix 5

2) Selection of the data source to utilize in the Super Data Mix 5

3) Execution of the data backup

4) Execution of the recording and of the removal of the obsolete data

5) Adding of a new record

6) Adding of a new record starting from a backup previously effected

7) Restore of a record from a backup file

8) Removal of the record no more utilized



All recording and restoring operations, when effected on the data sources, are never reversible; things being so it is necessary to make them with the maximum caution and please remember to make the data backup before effecting any other operation.

Backup Manager – Backup of the data sources


In this menu it is possible to effect the backup of a data source utilized by the Super Data Mix 5:

– Select inside the proper menu the wished data source of which it is required the backup

– Press “Execute the backup” to effect the data backup

– Select the name of the file in which the backup has to be fulfilled and the position where it will have to be saved.

Backup Manager – Selection of data source


In this menu it is possible to select the data source to utilize when operating with the Super Data Mix 5:

– Select the wished data source inside the relevant menu

– Press “Confirm” to effect the selection

– Press “Exit” to sort out from the menu without making any operation.

Backup Manager – Data Record


In this menu it is possible to effect the data record of the data utilized in the Super Data Mix5:

– Select the wished data source of which you need to effect the record inside the menu.

– Select the date related to the start and the end of the data to record (they are pre-determined as beginning date the older date of the data source whereas the date of the day is corresponding to the ending date)

– Press “Record” to make the data record

– Select the name of the file where the recording has to be effected and the position in which you wish to save it.



When making the data filing, the data to be recorded are saved in the selected file and, meanwhile, they are removed all data related to the load and the unload operations, to the supplies and to the milk production previously registered in the planned interval of time.

Backup Manager – Adding a new record

In this menu it is possible to add a new data source/record to utilize in the Super Data Mix 5:

– Insert the preferable name to give to the new data source

– Press “Add record” to make the adding of the new data source



In this way, it will be created an empty data source, this means that inside of it there will be present only the example data related to the first execution of the program, all other data source will remain unaltered. To be in position to use the new data source in the Super Data Mix 5, it is necessary to select it in the “Select record”.

Backup Manager – File addition from a backup


In this menu it is possible to add a data source to be used in the Super Data Mix5 from a backup or from a recording previously effected:

– Insert the name that you wish to give to the new data source

– Press “Add record” to make the data source addition

– Select the backup file from which the file addition has to be made



Before using the data source inside the Super Data Mix 5, it is necessary to select it in the “Records administration”.

Backup Manager – Record restoration from a backup

In this menu it is possible to restore a data source utilized in the Super Data Mix5 from a backup file:

– Select the wished data source to restore

– Press “Execute the restoration” to make the data source restore

– Select the backup file from which effect the record restore



All the data contained in the selected data source will be overwritten by the data contained in the backup file. In no case this operation is reversible, things being so we do suggest to effect the backup of the data source before executing any restoration.

Backup Manager – Record removal


In this menu it is possible to remove a data source in the Super Data Mix because not utilized anymore.

– Select the data source that you are intentioned to eliminate

– Press “Remove record” to effect the data source removal



All data contained in the selected data source will be deleted. In no case this operation is reversible, things being so we do suggest to effect the backup of the data source before removing it.

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