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Software Control section displays your list of controllers. If the section is empty, you have not yet registered any controller.

Through the new record button you can proceed to registration. A list of all UNIFEED is reachable, instead, through the full list button controllers UNIFEED.

The list of your CDI indicates: the name given, the controller, the activation status and the expiration of the license. Finally, from this list you can delete or change control fields.

Registers New Power Box

Please fill out the Form in all required fields: registration parameters need to correctly use the software to its full potential. It is possible to select, upon registration, the “master” control unit: to login, the system prepares automatically propose all modules selected during purchase of license, relating to the control unit.

Once you have completed the Form, press “next”: your Controller is now registered. The software automatically returns to the list page, where you’ll see your new power box appear.

It is necessary, at this point, proceed to Activate new power box. When the software detects the insertion of a controller, it automatically sets the button “activate”.

Enables New Power Box

In this section, the software requires a serial number. To obtain an activation code you must Contact PTM administration, through the site http://www.ptmsrl.com. If you do not have an activation code, you can still activate the controller: click “no” to the request code, choose the model of the controller you wish to activate and license type you wish to subscribe to.

In the Panel below you can choose whether to use the Paypal system to purchase a license of your choice, or if you use another method of payment. You will be contacted by the Administration at the email address you indicated when registering to get all the details on how to pay.

Once activated the unit, by pressing the “play” button, the last field on the list, the system is automatically selected modules at the time of purchase of the license.

Now all the features of the system are devoted to the selected unit.

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