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Utility for the maintenance


From this window they are available following functions:

Format card = to format the card utilized for the data import and export [1].

Db compacting = to compact the database with the purpose to get more space on the disk [2].

Db sending = to send by e-mail a copy of the present database to the program’s administrator in order to allow the eventual control of the occurred problems [3].

Db replacing = Replace the present database with a new one which has been received by the program’s administrator (selecting a .bak o .zip file) [4].

Db cleaning = to clean the loading and the unloading records through the elimination of the double data (lines with the same data and time further to the operation beginning) [5].


During the execution of some operations it is possible to click “Cancel” [6] to stop the procedure into running without completing it.

It is possible to follow the operations into running through the messages visualized in the central panel [9] till the fulfillment of the procedure.

By clicking “Help” it is visualized this page, when clicking on “Exit” the program comes back to the previous main page.

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